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01 Laser cutting: instantaneously high temperature melting by laser, the edge banding degree reaches 99%, no chips, no dust, clean treatment such as net shower and cleaning can be done after cutting, so that the product can reach a higher dust-free standard. The disadvantage is that the edge is a bit hard because it is melted, and 75% of the market uses this edge sealing method;02 Ultrasonic cutting: through the vibration generated by the ultrasonic vibration unit-vibrator, the electrical energy is converted into mechanical energy, and the heat is transferred through the welding head, and the ...
发布时间: 2021 - 11 - 16
China's non-woven fabric industry started late, but it is developing very rapidly. The overall development of China's non-woven fabric industry can be divided into two stages. The first stage is from the 1980s to the middle and late 1990s, when the industry is in its infancy and its development is slow; the second stage, since the middle and late 1990s, the industry has set off a climax of development. , Especially Zhejiang, Jiangsu, Guangdong, Hunan and other places are developing rapidly. After years of exploration and development, some Chinese non-woven fabric enterprises and produc...
发布时间: 2021 - 10 - 29
According to Smithers' research report 'The Future of Global Nonwoven Wipes to 2025' (The Future of Global Nonwoven Wipes to 2025), data shows that the tonnage growth of disinfectant wipes will reach 36.8% by 2025. In addition, other reports predict that if there is sufficient production capacity, this ratio may exceed 200%.As disinfectant non-woven wipes are regarded as an indispensable tool to fight the spread of the new crown virus pandemic, the global non-woven wipes industry has ushered in great prosperity.The special conditions of the Covid-19 epidemic mean that the demand fo...
发布时间: 2021 - 10 - 14
1. Multiple scraping effects: A single thick single fiber can be ultra-fine to become hundreds of superfine fibers, so when used as a cleaning cloth, the microfiber can have more scraping effects than ordinary wipes .2. The effect of wide contact area: the general fiber is thicker and the bending rigidity is large, so the contact area between the fabric floating point and the object is small. On the contrary, the superfine fiber has small bending rigidity and soft (imitating silk), so the fabric floating point is in contact with the object. Large area and strong cleaning power.3. Internal peel...
发布时间: 2021 - 10 - 04
It is double woven with 100% polyester fiber, the surface is soft, it is easy to wipe the sensitive surface, the fiber is not detached by friction, and it has good water absorption and cleaning efficiency. Product cleaning and packaging are completed in the ultra-clean workshop.Dust-free cloth is mainly used for wiping the surface of sensitive objects. It has the characteristics of friction and is not easy to detach fibers. It is a good helper for wiping in the electronics industry. The quality of the dust-free cloth directly affects the efficiency and effectiveness of the cleaning work, and i...
发布时间: 2021 - 09 - 28
The breeze blows and the cherry blossoms fall. Pedestrians come and go, listening to the rustling. Suddenly, it turned out that another year has passed, and when winter has passed and spring has come, the blooming cherry blossoms have fallen, and they are beautiful. Although it is 2021, the new crown virus that broke out in early 2020 has not completely disappeared. During the new crown virus epidemic, the application demand of non-woven fabrics in various industries has been greatly increased: personal care products, disinfection wipes, absorption It is obvious that non-woven materials and re...
发布时间: 2021 - 09 - 13
In January 2021, in order to further strengthen the control of plastic pollution, the National Development and Reform Commission issued the most stringent 'plastic ban' in history. Since the introduction of the new 'plastic ban' in January 2020, the introduction of the provincial 'plastic ban' policy has been significantly accelerated, and many provinces and regions have successively issued local 'plastic bans.'From the 2008 'plastic restriction order' to today's 'plastic ban', under the policy overweight, step by step, environmental protecti...
发布时间: 2021 - 09 - 06
Due to the impact of the new crown epidemic in 2020, most industries have experienced a period of outage, and various economic activities have temporarily come to a standstill. In this situation, the non-woven fabric industry is busier than ever. As the demand for disinfectant wipes and masks has reached unprecedented levels this year, news reports about the surge in demand for base materials (ie meltblown materials) have become mainstream, and many people have heard a new word for the first time-none Spun cloth, people began to pay more attention to the important role of non-woven materials i...
发布时间: 2021 - 08 - 30
Non-woven fabric scientific name: Nonwovens (Nonwovens), also known as non-woven fabric, non-woven fabric, non-woven fabric, non-woven fabric. Non-woven technology is a material processing technology that originated from textiles but surpasses textiles.The classification of non-woven fabrics is as follows:1. Classification according to production process1. Spunlace non-woven fabric:The high-pressure fine water jet is sprayed onto one or more layers of the fiber web to make the fibers entangled with each other, so that the fiber web can be reinforced and possess a certain strength.2. Heat-seali...
发布时间: 2021 - 08 - 16
Due to the impact of the new crown epidemic in 2020, most industries have experienced a period of outage, and various economic activities have temporarily come to a standstill. Under such circumstances, the non-woven fabric industry is busier than ever. As the demand for products such as disinfectant wipes and masks has reached unprecedented levels this year, news reports about the surge in demand for base materials (ie meltblown materials) have become mainstream, and many people have heard a new word for the first time-none Spun cloth, people began to pay more attention to the important role ...
发布时间: 2021 - 08 - 09
Deli industrial wipes are suitable for wiping equipment and parts with high pollution (suitable for wiping metal debris), surface treatment with solvents (suitable for cleaning rough surfaces), and ordinary wiping maintenance work (food production and processing).Maintenance of production line equipment (used for maintenance and cleaning in the workplace), user's own cleaning (removal of oil stains on parts and equipment). Maintenance and maintenance of electromechanical equipment for mechanical, electronic and electrical equipment manufacturing. Excellent water and oil absorption performa...
发布时间: 2021 - 08 - 02
The superfine fiber dust-free cloth is woven with superfine tough fibers, which is soft and tough, does not damage the working material, and has the advantages of low dust and low ion content.Function: Due to its ultra-fine and tough structure, it has a very good dust removal effect.1. Multi-scratch effect: If a thick single fiber is ultra-fine, it can become hundreds of ultra-fine fibers, so when used as a wiping cloth, the ultra-fine fiber dust-free cloth is more scratchy than ordinary wipes Wipe effect.2. Wide contact effect (wide contact effect): The small contact area between the fabric a...
发布时间: 2021 - 07 - 27
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